We specialize in moose hunts, brown bear hunt/grizzly bear hunts and Dall sheep hunts. Opportunities may also be available for shooting black bear, wolf and wolverine.

Alaska Moose Hunt. Bull Magnet Moose Call. Alaska Remote Guide Service.
Customized Hunts
We try to customize every hunt to the physical ability and experience level of our clients. While planning your hunt, we will discuss your specific goals, and work with you to tailor your hunt to meet your needs.
You will be hard-pressed to find a better big bull moose hunt anywhere. Most of our Alaska moose hunting is done above timberline in traditional moose breeding grounds, and from camps that can be accessed only by bush aircraft.
We can also offer jet boat hunting and float hunting options. Our well-established hunt camps have been very successful, but we can also accommodate the hardy hunter who wants a more “Alaska Raw” type of experience.
Moose Hunt Details and 2nd Species Options
Our standard Moose hunts are 10 to 12 days in length and have a 1 x 1 guide to client ratio, but I also have one camp that works especially well for hunting 2 friends or family members together, each with their own hunting guide. Trophy fee options for Brown/grizzly bear hunts are available with most moose hunts. An opportunity for a black bear hunt, wolf hunt or wolverine hunt, may also be available.
I’m a Master Guide and have been outfitting on both state and federal land in this area with very good success and customer satisfaction since 1987. My current Denali Preserve Concession term runs through 2027. This is some really awesome country. Let us show it to you.
Moose Hunt Camp Location
Most of our camps are accessible only by bush aircraft but we also have some river boat hunting and float hunting options.
Be sure to check our “Hunt Specials” page (click the flashing red button to the left) for further information on this excellent value!
Moose Calling Strategies
We use many different calling strategies and most of our moose are taken within 500 yards of camp. (see our Alaska moose calling video).
We also offer a proven moose call-The Bull Magnet ® – and Love, Thunder and Bull Moose Hunting videos with heart-stopping moose calling action. If you want to hunt moose up close, you need to see these DVDs!
Please CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW to Purchase these products.
Check our special pricing for Bull Magnet®/DVD Combos.
The moose hunters in the following 3 pictures weren’t guided by me, but they did use many of the strategies used by myself and my guides and detailed in my hunting DVDs and the following story – My 3 Day Strategy for Moose Hunting Success by Wayne Kubat
If a big bull moose hunt is on your agenda, and you also like the idea of being able to maybe get a brown bear at the same time, please give us serious consideration – soon!
We can hunt brown bears on moose carcasses and by glassing hillsides where they are actively feeding on berries and ground squirrels. We can also move to the river bottoms by boat or airplane to hunt them on fish streams.
The chance of shooting a black bear, wolf or wolverine, also exists. Tags work for species of equal or lesser value. By purchasing a brown bear tag ($200 more and it will work for either species,) you would be legal to harvest moose or bear, whichever species you come across first. This way if it is late in your hunt and you haven’t taken a moose but see a nice brown bear, you could legally harvest it instead of a moose, but with a moose tag you couldn’t.
Moose Hunt Prices and Details
- August 19th – 30th (12 days) = $23,500.00 This is earlier than most hunters prefer, but we’ve learned some early season hunting strategies that work really well, and often we take our biggest bulls in the early season.
- September 3rd – 14th (12 days) = $25,000.00 Though not heavy into rut yet, big bulls do a lot of searching because few cows are in heat. Calling is quite effective and this is usually a very good time period with generally milder temperatures.
- September 15th – 26th (12 days) = $25,000.00 This is one of the better peak rut hunts you will find anywhere! Calling in an aggressive bull is an awesome experience.
Chances for success on a good bull should be near 100%, but chances for brown bear get good too once a moose is down. You can shoot which ever animal (moose or brown bear) you get an opportunity at first and if you get both, the trophy fee for the 2nd animal is $8000.00. You will need the appropriate tags in advance.
The above suggested dates provide a good starting point but often need to be tweaked a little bit from year to year to mesh with some of the other hunts we offer or to fit your schedule. We are usually able to offer some flexibility.
Trip length includes in and out days and clients should try to arrive a day or two early and leave a day or two later than actual trip dates. When possible, we try to get clients that achieve early success, out early if they wish.
Necessary ground transportation to pick up and return you to Anchorage, and food, lodging, and trophy care in the field.
– round trip transportation of you and your gear, game and trophies between your home and Anchorage, Alaska
– lodging in Anchorage and/or Wasilla prior to and after your hunt
– air charter fees (about $2500.00)
– taxidermy
– guide tips
– licenses and tags:
Non-resident hunting license = $160.00,
brown/grizzly tag = $1000.00,
moose tag = $800.00 moose tag,
black bear tag = $450.00
See “License and Tag Fees” link for complete information), and
– a $200.00 2 yr. membership in the Hunter Preservation Fund (HPF) https://alaskaprohunter.org/join-the-apha/the-alaska-hunter-preservation-fund/
We will gladly assist you in making arrangements and reservations, and can sell you the tags ourselves.
NOTE: A person who has been airborne may not take or assist in taking big game until after 3:00 a.m. following the day in which the flight occurred.
I do almost all of my moose hunting in Game Management Unit (GMU)16B, where brown/grizzly bears are classified as brown bear. The season runs from August 10th through June 15th, and the bag limit is two per regulatory year.
If you harvest your moose early and want to keep hunting for brown bear, we’ll do our best to accommodate you on a straight or modified trophy fee basis.
Our average brown bear taken in the fall is in the 7 & ½ to 8 foot range in part because moose is the primary target. Chances for a larger bear certainly exist, but a bear in the 8’ range is still a nice trophy. The price is right if you get the chance while targeting moose or choose a combination hunt.
If you want a big brown bear, you should probably consider our Spring Brown Bear Hunts.
If you achieve early success on a moose hunt, and when time, weather and resources allow us to, we don’t mind letting you hang around moose camp a few extra days to try to also get a brown bear.
You will need to purchase a tag in advance. If you have success, the trophy fee for a brown bear is $8000.
When you take your main animal on a single species hunt, we consider that we’ve earned our money, and we don’t like to spin our wheels on an add-on hunt that we don’t get paid for. Considerations that we take into account can include an unfavorable weather forecast that could make us miss our scheduled flight and negatively impact upcoming hunts, when conditions are such that chances are just not good, or any number of significant and unexpected circumstances that could arise. And some hunters in the past have just plain missed after we’ve done every thing right. But if current hunts are going well, favorable weather is in the outlook, and you have sufficient time remaining to actively pursue a brown bear in addition to your moose, we’ll try to accommodate you. I usually give the guide a bonus and I get something extra if we produce, so we have incentive to work hard for you.
When relocations are necessary, we collect $3500.00 up front to continue and you’ll pay an additional $4500.00 if you take a brown bear. I’m a license vendor and in some cases, I can sell you additional tags in the field, but in most cases you’ll need to purchase the tag in advance. If we have to relocate via air charter, there may be an additional air charter fee.
Black Bear, wolf and wolverine can be hunted on an incidental basis contingent upon open seasons. “Incidental” means that we don’t move to or specifically hunt for them, but if we run across one and can take it without messing up your moose or brown bear hunt, you can. You must purchase any necessary tags in advance.
We charge a $1000.00 trophy fee for an incidental black bear, and there is no additional charge for an incidental wolf or wolverine. Wolf tags aren’t required by non residents in my concession area. A black bear tag will work for either black bear or wolverine.
We will do everything possible to try to customize your hunt to meet your expectations. Extra days and/or an extra guide are just two options on how we can adapt your hunt towards higher success and trophy quality and/or multiple species.
Let us know if either of these options interest you.